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Migrating from 2.24.2 to 2.25.0

Updated API

OpenFileHandler parameters

Due to changes in Chromium, the OpenFileHandler parameters no longer contain the DefaultFileName property. Instead, the InitialDirectory property was added, containing the initial directory that the file dialog box should display.


browser.Dialogs.OpenFileHandler =
    new Handler<OpenFileParameters, OpenFileResponse>(parameters =>
        // The default file name.
        string defaultFileName = parameters.DefaultFileName;
        // The given file should be opened.
        return OpenFileResponse.SelectFile(Path.GetFullPath("<path-to-selected-file>"));


browser.Dialogs.OpenFileHandler =
    new Handler<OpenFileParameters, OpenFileResponse>(parameters =>
        // The suggested directory.
        string initialDirectory = parameters.InitialDirectory;
        // The given file should be opened.
        return OpenFileResponse.SelectFile(Path.GetFullPath("<path-to-selected-file>"));
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