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This guide describes how to manage Chromium profiles.


Profile stores the user data such as navigation history, cookies, cache, passwords, etc.

In DotNetBrowser the profile-related functionality can be accessed via IEngine.Profiles property which returns IProfiles. This interface allows managing profiles.

Each profile is represented by the separate IProfile instance. Using this instance you can get all necessary information about the profile like its name, absolute path to the directory where profile stores its data, and provides access to profile-related services:

  • ZoomLevels
  • Plugins
  • Proxy
  • Network
  • SpellChecker
  • CookieStore
  • HttpCache
  • Downloads
  • Permissions

Default profile

When you create an IEngine instance, the default profile is always initialized. You can obtain it using the IProfiles.Default property:

IProfile defaultProfile = engine.Profiles.Default;
Dim defaultProfile As IProfile = engine.Profiles.Default


To make the default profile incognito, use the Incognito option when creating an Engine instance. This option affects the default profile only.

Creating profile

To create a new profile, use the IProfiles.Create() method.

IProfile profile = engine.Profiles.Create("Test");
Dim profile As IProfile = engine.Profiles.Create("Test")

Profile stores its data such as navigation history, proxy settings, cookies, spellchecker configurations, etc. in a separate directory inside the user data directory.

Creating Incognito profile

To create an incognito profile, the ProfileType.Incognito parameter should be used.

IProfile newIncognitoProfile = engine.Profiles.Create("Test", ProfileType.Incognito);
Dim newIncognitoProfile As IProfile = engine.Profiles.Create("Test", ProfileType.Incognito)

Getting profiles

To access all profiles created in the engine, use IProfiles as IEnumerable<IProfile>:

foreach (IProfile profile in profiles)
    string name = profile.Name;
For Each profile As IProfile In profiles
    Dim name As String = profile.Name

This approach will also iterate over the default profile.

Removing profile

To remove an existing profile you should use the IProfiles.Remove(IProfile) method.

When you remove a profile, all browsers associated with it will be disposed. An attempt to use an already removed IProfile instance will lead to the ObjectDisposedException.

The default profile cannot be removed. An attempt to delete the default profile leads to IllegalArgumentException.

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