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Posted on August 20, 2024

DotNetBrowser 3.0.0 EAP

This page contains a complete release history for the DotNetBrowser 3.0.0 EAP builds in reverse chronological order.

To add the latest DotNetBrowser 3.0.0 EAP build dependencies to your project as NuGet packages use the next instruction.

To learn more about the enhancements planned for this major release, please visit DotNetBrowser Roadmap.


Chrome extensions

DotNetBrowser now provides the Extensions API that allows you to install, update, uninstall, and work with Chrome extensions. It opens up a wide range of possibilities for integrating Chrome extensions into your applications.

With the Extensions API, you can:

  • Get a list of installed extensions;
  • Manually install Chrome extensions from Chrome Web Store;
  • Control which extensions can be manually installed by users;
  • Programmatically install Chrome extensions from CRX files;
  • Programmatically uninstall extensions that were installed from Chrome Web Store or CRX files;
  • Control which extensions can be manually uninstalled by users;
  • Get notifications when an extension is installed, updated, or uninstalled;
  • Display extension popups;
  • Simulate extension icon clicks and more.

DotNetBrowser Chrome Web Store

You can read more about how to work with Chrome extensions in the Extensions guide.

WinUI 3

We added support of one more UI toolkit — WinUI 3 . Now, you can embed BrowserView into WinUI 3 applications and build modern desktop applications with a modern UI toolkit.

Here is how to create an example WinUI 3 application with BrowserView via the dotnet CLI:

dotnet new install DotNetBrowser.Templates::3.0.0-eap.2
dotnet new -o Example.WinUi -li <your_license_key>
dotnet run --project Example.WinUi

WinUI 3

The WinUI 3 implementation is available as DotNetBrowser.WinUi3 NuGet package and is not a part of the ZIP archives.

Chromium upgraded to 127.0.6533.89

We upgraded Chromium to a newer version, which introduces multiple security fixes that prevent a remote attacker to potentially perform out of bounds memory access via a crafted HTML page, including:

For the complete list of Chromium fixes and improvements in 127.0.6533.89 please visit the product blog post for this version.

Download DotNetBrowser 3.0.0-eap.2 (.NET Framework)
Download DotNetBrowser 3.0.0-eap.2 (.NET Core)
Download DotNetBrowser 3.0.0-eap.2 (Cross-platform)


This is the first EAP build of the next major version of DotNetBrowser. In this build, we introduce the following new features:

.NET Framework 4.6.2

4.6.2 is now minimum required .NET Framework version for DotNetBrowser 3.0.0.

Obsolete API was removed

The API that was previously marked as obsolete in DotNetBrowser 2, is no longer available in 3.0.0.

Here is the list of the API removed and its replacements:

  • LoadUrlParameters.PostData, which is replaced with LoadUrlParameters.UploadData;
  • VerifyCertificateParameters.VerifyStatuses, which is replaced with VerifyCertificateParameters.VerifyErrors;
  • BinariesExtractionOptions.CheckLastModificationDate, which is replaced with BinariesExtractionOptions.VerificationLevel;
  • ISpellChecker.DictionaryNames, which is replaced by ISpellChecker.Languages.

The following properties were previously available in the IEngine interface, however, they were related to the default profile and marked as obsolete:

  • IEngine.CookieStore
  • IEngine.Downloads
  • IEngine.HttpCache
  • IEngine.Network
  • IEngine.Permissions
  • IEngine.Plugins
  • IEngine.Proxy
  • IEngine.SpellChecker
  • IEngine.ZoomLevels

These properties were removed from the IEngine interface, and now available in the default profile only. For example, if you were using engine.Network, you need to use engine.Profiles.Default.Network instead.

Chromium upgraded to 124.0.6367.221

We upgraded Chromium to a newer version, which introduces security fixes for vulnerabilities that have known exploits:

For the complete list of Chromium fixes and improvements in 124.0.6367.221 please visit the product blog posts for the following versions:

Download DotNetBrowser 3.0.0-eap.1 (.NET Framework)
Download DotNetBrowser 3.0.0-eap.1 (.NET Core)
Download DotNetBrowser 3.0.0-eap.1 (Cross-platform)

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