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Chromium features
Taking a screenshot of an entire web page
This tutorial shows how to take a screenshot of an entire web page, including the invisible part.
To go through this tutorial, you will need:
- Git.
- Java 17 or higher.
- A valid JxBrowser license. It can be either Evaluation or Commercial. For more information on licensing, please see the licensing guide.
Getting the code
To see a complete example created in this tutorial, please check out our collection of examples:
$ git clone
$ cd JxBrowser-Examples/tutorials/html2png
Adding the license
To run this tutorial, you need to set up a license key.
Taking a screenshot of the entire web page
In order to get an image of an entire web page we recommend that you perform the following actions:
- Load a web page and wait until the main frame of the web page is loaded completely.
- Obtain the width and height of the entire page, including the invisible part.
- Resize the
instance to the calculated dimensions. - Take the bitmap of the currently loaded web page.
// Wait until the web page has been rendered completely.
var frame = browser.mainFrame().orElseThrow();
// Get the height of the whole web page,
// including the invisible part.
Double pageHeight = frame.executeJavaScript(
"Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, " +
"document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, " +
"document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.body.clientHeight, " +
// Get the width of the loaded page.
Double pageWidth = frame.executeJavaScript(
"Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth, " +
"document.documentElement.scrollWidth, document.body.offsetWidth, " +
"document.documentElement.offsetWidth, document.body.clientWidth, " +
// Resize the browser to the obtained dimensions.
browser.resize(pageWidth.intValue(), pageHeight.intValue());
// Obtain the bitmap of the currently loaded web page,
// including the invisible part.
var bitmap = browser.bitmap();
// Convert the bitmap to image.
var image = BitmapImage.toToolkit(bitmap);
// Save the image to a PNG file.
ImageIO.write(image, "PNG", new File(""));
If you run this program, you should see the screenshot of the browser web page saved in the project’s working directory:
Additional considerations
- If the web page is too big (e.g., 1200x45000 pixels), the part of the web page won’t be painted if the GPU memory will be exceeded. Also, there is a chance of JVM running out of memory.
- Screenshots of webpages with animations may produce unpredictable results.
In this tutorial, we have demonstrated how you can take a screenshot of a web page in JxBrowser.